Our first accounting homework is due tomorrow. We also had our first accounting class today. Interestingly, we covered
NOTHING in class which has to do with the homework. We're just, supposed to figure it out from the book, I guess... I know enough to be dangerous, but don't have a full understanding on any of these concepts. My homework probably has a few things that are right, but is likely riddled with errors.
I'm disappointed with the Accounting department. I've heard from classmates in the other sections that this assignment was to get our feet wet and would be graded leniently, but, I didn't hear that directly from my Prof (who is also supposed to be amazing, but since he's the head of the department and has sanctioned this exercise in futility, I'm not impressed).
Frankly, I don't care even if that is the true story. We're allowed to ask the TA's questions piecemeal on an internet forum, which is OK for very focused questions, but I'm trying to get the general gist of a topic that is largely arbitrary, and that's not enough - I need to be taken through the concepts, and last I checked,
that's why I'm required to take a class!
I'm here to learn how to do accounting, and turning in a problem set full of mistakes that I don't even know I made because I haven't been taught any of this isn't my idea of learning. I'm anxiously preparing for the hit to my grade and self-esteem. Thanks accounting department.